
Jun 2, 2010

Scotland and Turkey

I just mentioned here few weeks ago about our different choices of places for our summer vacation and Turkey is what we have chosen to go.Just yesterday my husband bought another ticket to another part of Europe. Before our flight to Turkey, my husband have 1 week off from his work so what he did was booked and bought flight tickets to another part of Europe.

So we will be going to Scotland for few days and we'll be back here in Gothenburg for just one day rest then it will be our another flight to Turkey for our few weeks summer vacation.

I'm very excited for these two countries that we will go to because of course I never been there. This will be a happy and exciting summer vacation plus maybe little sunburn in Turkey. So guys watch out for my sunburn body when we come back...hahaha


Risma Hutabarat said...

Looks like you have traveled almost half part of this globe, Jen.. And I envy your for that ((lol))

Enjoy your trip, dear. And don't forget to take lots and lots of pictures along your journey. I'd love to see all of them..

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MJ said...

wow Scotland what a nice place to visit a bit conservative specially thier buildings...
Ohh Jenn why not visit Loch ness a paopular palce to be when you visit Scotland...well the highlands is also wonderful and perfet for walking...

lovely and impressive place to be goona be in Edinbourgh or? somewhere else...? I´m excited to read about your Scotland trip...

have fun and enjoy!

JTG (Misalyn) said...

Have a safe trip and enjoy our holiday. Take tons of pictures :)

Dhemz said...

ayay! enjoy your trip sure you guys will have a blast!