June 24 was my father's 4th year death anniversary and june 26 was my grandfather (mother side) 2nd death anniversary.

In our province, there is no private cemetery. We have only public with no payments and our dead love ones can have their RIP in that cemetery whenever we want them to have in view. Here are some pictures that i took from our cemetery.

hi jenny, enjoy your vacation and wait, are you still there? my prayers are with your love ones..god bless you
I enjoyed my vacation.hehehe.. I just back here in Sweden last sunday night. You can check my post last monday. Thanks for the prayers...
With a special feeling I have read your post this, surprised me a great similarity in the manner when the visit of our beloved dead. Everything is the same for us here in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Only the graves different, with us are completely under the ground with the cover and overlaid around the granite slabs, which is above the country some 20-30 centimeters.
i think it is almost same tradition whatever country we are but in separate ways. ofcourse it depends also to our beliefs.
There some also that burried under the ground. It depends on our choices.
I understand my friend, with us here, all true underground tombs, only differ in size, and that is probably because in my town live 100% one nation and religion, I live in the Croatian entity where faith by all Catholics, or in throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina have 3 entities: the Muslim, Serbian and Croatian. In each entity rule specific customs and habits.
Wow you are catholic? same here. i am catholic born and i will die as a catholic also.
I have 3 Bosnian classmates and friends. They are all nice and friendly to me..
yes, I am also born as a Catholic, Region where I live is called "western Herzegovina," my house is situated just 1 km from the state, "Croatia", in "Bosnia" are in the majority of Muslims and Serbs, Muslims are Islamic religion and srbi the Greek Catholic religion, I am Roman Catholic religion. Perplexedly little on this issue here in Bosnia and Herzegovina, haha, but I just respect each man if he deserves it with his personality
I am also Roman Catholic. wow we have the same belief... My Nosnian friends are all Muslims so i was surprised when you said you are catholic. But it dosn't amtter whatever religion we have the important is we have our own respective belief..
Of course I need all people the same respect regardless of their religion and nation, but I was still glad that you are Roman Catholic, though I was a closer.
Philippine people have 80% Roman Catholic and im one of them..but i have lots of friends who are not same religion as me but we are good friends...
normal, why does it have good friends if they have different religions. It is important as is someone like the man. Good people in all religions, also bad
its all depend on us also... if we can handle or not.
of course, if we have the correct point of view then there is no problem, God is only one, and people are split into different religions, people have certain weaknesses of which are nonsense. Also a consequence of different religions living in different regions and remote locations is one of the other. That's why I look at religion as the practice of God is one and we're all the same valuable.
very well said...
however I know I speak well, but me no one listens hahaha
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