
Jun 2, 2009

Fit and healthy body

Now a days, everything or anything is posible to find and know through internet.

Me and my husband decided to run few minutes everyday. We always take a walk everyday but then it seems it's not enough so we will try running. Ofcourse if we will run we must have tips and guides so i surfed the net and i found on this site
Running buying guide the tips and guides that i was wanted to know.

Running is very good but then we will not know if we run fast or slow or if we maintain our physicall fitness. For us to know if we reach our daily goal i found pedometers from Pedometers buying guide. Pedometer is small usefull tool or machine where you will find out how long and far you've been running. This is just a small tool and it's not too expensive. Pedometer is comfortable that can put around the wist, arm or even to your shoe. It's will up to you where you will put it.

Fitting and healty body is very important to ourselves so if you want to know what are the sport and energy products that will fit on you go to Sport Nutrition buying guide for you to know what are the perfect foods and drinks for you.

Stay healthy and fit guys. Have a sport and fit day.


Rofes Deportes said...

Hello, my friend/...

I just added your blog in my 2 websites, but I do not see my links in tour blog...

Please, can U add both?

Thanks again

Gin Hansson said...

I'm sorry for the late add. I was not really ok yesterday.

You both blogs are added now. you can check to my bloggers list...

Take care