First, my husband's birthday few days ago(April 4). As you remembered i had posted here my gift to him and how did i surprised him... He really don't like surprising but i did it anyway.
Second, today (April 9). It is our 3 years wedding anniversary. He don't surprise me of something special because he gave me already his gift the other day.
Third, on April 12 (Sunday) i will be two years here in Sweden. Gossshhh it seems that it was just yesterday that i came here. hehehe...Time goes very fast...
This month is really mean a lot to me and my husband. I hope it will be our best and meaningful month forever.
On the other hand, here are his gifts to me.
I got this Acer laptop and few mobile fons last year on our meaningful month, April.

I always have 3 fons. One is Philippine number where my family and friends texted me there. It's cheaper to them because it's roaming. Even if they cannot call me but still they can send me message then i can call them. Second one is Swedish number (tango operator). I use it to send text to Philippines, to my brother in Kuwait, my sister in Cyprus and sometimes if my other sister is in Singapore.And lastly my other Swedish number (comviq). This number that i use here in Sweden to call or text.

My husband is not a kind of guy who love to give flowers or chocolates. He likes to give these kind of things which i really like. Thank you so much älskling for all the gifts. Happy anniversary and hope we will stay forever. Jag älskar dig jättemycket....forever.....
hej jen,
Glad påsk! hoppas att ni får en bra helg.
och grattis till 3 års brölloppsdagen.Vilka presenter du har fått :)
Jag gillar, liksom du,små maskiner, hahaha.
Min man är också en person som gillar att skämma bort sin hustru med presenter ;)
Vilken tur vi har...Men viktigast att vi älskar dem.
Hej på dig Weng...tack så mycket...och detsamma... Vi älskar de..det är viktigast vad?hehehe. Trevlig lov.
Of course those cells and the notebook are worth more than flowers :)
All the best for u and your hubby :)
Sera made me laugh with her comment about notebooks and cells, but she has a point.
April is quite a month for you. Plenty to celebrate and nice to see the great gifts you received.
All the best for you, your hubby, and rest of the family!:)
Yah..all those things that my husband gave me is worth more than a dozen or flowers or boxes of chocolates...
Thanks for the greetings my friend.. Good day
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