The operations went well but my mother, my brother and my preggy sister couldn't stop themselves worrying when Marc was still in the OR (operating room). But atleast after few hours of waiting, the doctor told them that everything went well and Marc is in the Recovery room for his recovery. He will be there 24 hours for more observations and to make sure he's ok. He will be back to his hospital room tommorow.
As of now, Marc has stainless on his arm and it will take one month until the doctor will take off the stainless. But he can go home 3 to 4 days from now. He can go back to school anytime Marc is ready but he must be very carefull and try to not carry heavy things.
I want to thank to all who prayed and left good words for my newphew Marc. And to Marc's mommy, don't worry to much sis. Marc will be well alright... he knows that he is our angel and we love him so much.

Jenny, I'm so glad to hear that about your nephew Marc. It really is something no one wants to see from such a good young man, but glad to see he's okay now.
Thanks for the update my wonderful friend!
Thank God he's ok right now. Send my kisses for him, will you? He'll recover very soon ^_^
David - thanks dAVID FOR always sending a good words to me.
Risma - i will absolutely send your kisses my friend..
As of now, Marc is still on ICU but he will be transfer to his room late afternoon today. Maybe he can go home few days from now..
Thanks to both of you for the lovely and good words...
I am very pleased that the operation well past, and what is your nephew feels good, I believe that he will soon fully recover, thank god
alfafriend - he's ok now and seems back to his normal stubborness..hehehe.. Thanks God atleast he's ok and the operations' went well.. thanks for the prayers my friend
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